This transcription is based on that originally produced by Roger Sims (MHNLib librarian archivist) and his advanced reading group and published in IOM FHS XXIV 2 May 2002. The version below retains the document's original line breaks and spelling which were missing in the published version. St German The testame[n]tt of donalde mc teare wch dyed the 20 of Auguste intested wherefore the church doth ordayne & constitute Jon, Agnes & Elizabeth his children executors and Raffe quaye his kynsman & Sycelye teare their kynswoman superviso[r]s Inventory } 1 ox 1 cowe one bullocke a yere olde & halffe 1 } mare 1 younge mare 2 yeres old 6 sheppe 2 yeowes & halfe a cowe. note also that hughie mawislaye doth owe 12s pbatm ett sll 12d