1643 Composition Book for Michael

Given below is my transcription of the above record. The heading for each entry (of the form [A001 ref Z050]) is a reference added by me. It allows these entries to be cross-referenced with other documents. A photograph of the first page is shown in the image section.


*** Folio 77.0 ***

12 [?] Ja: 1643   


[A001  ref  Z050]
                            ^He Woods^ Jane Woods for the halfe of the 18s                }               }
30 Sept 1644                6d joint w[it]h John Croghan viz for 9s                       } 25s           }
Recd of He Woods 15s        3d rent. Fine ------------------------------------------------}               }
3 March 1646 [R?]           for the lives of To: xpian sunne of [Xed out "Wm"] Donald                     }
mour 10s 3d                 [xpnd?] Jurby  Dollin Cayne sunne of [Xed out "Dollin"] William Cayne    55s  }
12 Aug 1647 Rc 5s 9d        of Jurby and John Standish sunne of Wm [?]                                    }
 & alowed for 3 6oz         Standishe of Elenbane to enter Mister Henry                                   }
[?] [?] to the              Woods in afterwards  -------------------------------------------------------- }
taylor 24s                  Item the halfe of certaine intacks & inclosures rent 16d                      }
                            16d & the halfe of ye eighth pte of a qter rente 12d                          }
                            caled Largegighe ------------------------------------------------------------ }

[A002  ref  Z068]
26 Jany 1646                Donald Cannell for 3d cottage ----------------------- 2s }
Recd 2s 6d                  for the lives of Rch & Tho & Charles                     } 2s 6d
                            his sonns ---------------------------------------------- }
                            [added later] reserving the right of Bahie Kelly to 2d 

[A003  ref  Z047]
12 Nv: 1644                 Dollin Curlood for 1/2 qrter rente 7s                    } 25s
Rcd paid 10s                4 1/2d ------------------------------------------------- } 
5 Fev 1644                  Item for an Intacke of 15d                               } 3s
Recd paid 10s               rent jointe w[it]h Adam Curlod ------------------------- } 
25 Jany 1645                for the lives of Gilb John and Wm his sons
Recd 5s
3 Octbr 1645 pd 3s

[A004  ref  Z048]
8 October 1644              Adam Curlood for 1/2 qrter rente 7s                      }
Rec paid 10s                4 1/2d not before compounded for ----------------------- } 20s
18th March 1644             Item for 15d rente of Intacks -------------------------- }
Rec paid 10s                for the lives of John his sun & of Gilb 
                            Canell sun of Phill Cannell & of 
                            Adam Cayne son of Jo Cayne Ballagwane

[A005  ref  Z002]
10 Aug 1644                 John Cannell Junior for 1 qter &                         } 45s 
Rec paid 30s                1/2 rente 26s 8d --------------------------------------- }
12 Nv: 1644                 Item for a pcell of Intacks in Ball 8d                   } 15s
Rec paid 30s                rente -------------------------------------------------- } 
                            for the lives of Phillip Cannell sonne of 
                            Patrick & Charles Canell sonne of the 
                            said John Canell & Jo Quayle sonne 
                            of John Quayle ----------------------------------------- 

[A006  ref  Z001]
6 Aug 1644                  John Canell Senior for 1 qter & 1/2   } 45s
Rec paid 22s 6d             rente 26s 8d ------------------------ } 
18 Dec 1644                 for the lives of John & Wm his sonns  }
Rec paid 22s 6d             & Margrett his grandchild ----------- }


*** Folio 77.5 [this page very faded - some guesswork in transcription below] ***

[A007  ref  Z041]
[?] Sept 1644               Rbt Frerre for 1 qter wantinge the              }  33s 4d
paid 18s                    eighth pte rente 15s fine ---------------       }
[?] Jany 1645               for the lives of the said Robt & of John his    }
paid 10s                    brother and Jony Cayne daughter of              }
[?] April 1645              Patrick Cayne ----------------------            }
[paid?] 5s 4d

[A008  ref  Z040]
29 Sept 1644                John Teare for qterlande rente                  }  33s 4d
paid 16s                    16s fyne ---------------------------            }
22 [?] 1645                 for the lives of John his sonne Wm his          }
paid 17s 4d                 suneand another Wm his sonne                    }

[A009  ref  Z038]
6 May 1644                  Donald Canell for 1 qter rente 18s              } 46s 8d
Rec paid 10s                6d for his owne life & Wm and [Rch?] his        } 
[8?] Octber 1644            brothers -------------------------------------- }
Rec paid 30s                reservinge the right of [Bessie?] [Calod?]
25 Jany 1646                [? ?] same [?]
rec 6s 8d

[A010  ref  Z037]
25 May 1644                 Gilbt Cannell for 1 qter rente                  } 30s
Rec paid 15s                18s 6d -----------------------------            }
3 No: 1644                  for the lives of the said Gilbt & of            }
Recr paid 10s               Rch his brother & John sune                     }
25 Jany 1645                of the said Gilbt Cannell ----------            }
Rec paid 5s                 reserving the right of James McBoy              }
                            [?] the said [?]                                }                     

[A011  ref  Z039]
July 1644                   James McBooy for 1 qter rent 17s                      } 30s
paid 15s                    6d for the lives of Bahee ^& Margaret^ his daughters  }
3 Jany 1645                 & To Booy sunne of Tomas Booy & of                    }
? 15s                       reserving the right of To & Wm Caine                  }

[A012  ref  Z069]
25 Jany 1644                Donald Stephan for 3d cottage ^and 1/2d intack^ for  } 2s 6d
Recd the whole 2s 6d        for lives of John & Wm his sunes & John              }
                            his grandchild sonn of his sun Wm                    }

[A013  ref  Z021]
[? ?] 1644                  Wm Caighen & Wm Quayle                    }
Rec paid 18s 6d             for 1 qtr & 4th pt of a qrter rente       } 37s 6d
[? ?]                       20s 10d --------------------------------- } 
[?] 1644                    for the lives of the said Wm Caighen & Wm
[? ?]                       Quayle & of [John?] Caighen son of the  
20 [?] 1644                 said Wm Caighen --------------------------
[? ?]                        
6s 6d

[A014  ref  Z023]
                            Gilbt Quayle for 1 qtr & eighth pt            }
[illegible]                 of a qrter rente 18s 6d for the lives of      } 33s 9d
                            said Gilbt & of Robt & John his sons -------- }

*** Folio 78.0 *** 

[A015  ref  Z022]
5 Aug 1644                  Dollin Cannell for 1 qtr & Eighth pte of      }
Rcd paid 10s of             a qrter rente 18s 6d for the lives of         } 33s 9d
Dollin Cannell              himselfe & of John his sun & Hughe his        }
28 Aug 1644 Rec of          brother ------------------------------------- }
Wm his father 16s 9d
18 March 1644 Rec paid 7s

[A016  ref  Z062]
5 Feb 1644                  Phill Browne for 9d cottage & intack          }
Rec 4s in pte               for the lyves of the said Phill & of Ellin    } 5s
24 July 1644                his mother & Anne his sister ---------------- }
rec 12d

6 Aug 1644                  Rbt Cannell for 2 pts of a qtr rente 11s      }
Rec paid 10s of             4d for the Lves of the said Rbt & of Charles  } 20s      }
Robt Cannell                his brother & Anne his daughter ------------- }          }
18 [?] 1644 Received        reservinge John Quayles right duringe         }          }
of Alice Creere & Jo        his lyffe ----------------------------------- }          }
Creere for 8d rent 18d      reserving the right of John Creere                       }
13 Octbr 1645 pd 13s 6d     for 8d rente and of Alice Creere his sister              }
                            Item for the third pte of a qter rent 5s 8d ------ }     }
6 Aug                       for the same lives reserving his brother Phillipe  } 10s }
Rec also 5s                 Canels right ------------------------------------- }     }

[A018  ref  Z070]
Wm Cayne                    Wm Cayne for 8d [rente?] Cottages Intack for the }
25 [Jany?] 2s 6d            lives of himselfe & Adam Cayne sune              } 5s
25 [?] 1646                 of John Cayne & Wm Woods sune in law             }
Rcd of [John?] Woods 2s 6d  of the said Wm Cayne --------------------------- }

[A019  ref  Z026]
4 Junii 1645                John Curlood for the 4th pte of a             }
[?] for [?]                 qrter rente 5s for the lives of the           } 7s 6d
deliverd unto the [?]       said Jo: & of Jo: Curleot sune of Malory      }
by moare Curlood            & Wm sune of Patr Curlood Ger                 }
7s 6d

[A020  ref  Z063]
18 Dec 1644                 [John?] Quarke & James Crye for 10d Cottage for }
Rec paid of James           the lives of the said [John?] & Jony &          } 5s
Cry 2s 6d                   Catherine his daughters ----------------------- }
4 Jany 1645
Rec paid 2s 6d

[A021  ref  Z046]
6 Aug 1644                  Rbt Callister [Xed out "& Wm Mcylrea"] for 1/2 qrter rente 7s 6d  } 15s
Rec of Robt Calister        & for a prell of 15d rente Intacks ------------------------------ }  5s 
5s                          for the lives of himself & of Adam his                            }
29 Sept 1644                sune & of Gilbt Curleod sune of Dollin                            }
Rec paid 6s                 Curleod --------------------------------------------------------- }
25 Jany 1645 rec 8s [23?] Octbr 1645 pd 12d

[A022  ref  Z049]
24 Octbr 1645               Hughe Calister for 1 qrter 15s 8d          } 3l
pd 49s                      & 1 acre of medowe rente 20d ------------- }
25 [July?] 1646 Rec p       for the lives of the said Hughe & of 
aid 11s                     Hughe Canell sune of [Snr?] Jo: Canell & John
                            Curleod sune of Adam


*** Folio 78.5 ***

[A023  ref  Z064]
14 No: 1644                 John Cottier for 9d cottage rente for the lyves }
Rec paid 3s 4d              of the said John & Catherin & Jane his           } 3s 4d
                            sisters                                          }
                            reserving the right of Christian Cotier

[A024  ref  Z053]
29 July 1645                Rbt Corkill for 8d cottage for }
Rec paid 2s                 the lives of John Wm & Hugh    }  3s 4d
3 October 1645              his suns --------------------- }
pd 16d

[A025  ref  Z003]
6 Aug 1644                  To: Caighen ^& Catherin Canell^ for 1 qtrer & 4th        }
Rec paid 11s                pte of a qrter rente 18s for the lives                   } 37s 6d
                            of John [Xed out "his sun et Catherin daughter of Jo:    }
5 Feb 1644                  Cannell & Patrick his suns and of the said               }
Rec 9s & 2s 6d              Caughen"] ^& Patrick his suns and of the said Catherin^  }
more Rec of Catherin 15s    Note Catherine hath 2 pts of this land & To:
bought for full pte         Caighen the third pte

[A026  ref  Z033]
12 Nv: 1644                 Patrick Coriage for 1/2 qrter 8s      } 20s
Rec paid 9s of              & other 1/2 qrter rente 9s ---------- } 15s
the said Patrick            for the lives of the said Patr & Tm   }
Recd of Wm Cowley 5s        his sunne & of Rch Cowley sune of Wm  }
25 [?] 1644                 Cowley ------------------------------ }
Rec of [?] [?]              Reservinge the right of Wm Cowley for the third
21s                         pte of all this land [paying?] his [share?] of the same

[A027  ref  Z066]
5 Feb: 1644                 Calloghoony Quine for 7d Cottage        }
Rec 3s in pte               rente for the lives of Gilbert her      } [Xed out "5s"]
    4d                      brother & John Teare & Margaret Teare   } [3s?] [4d?]
                            her children -------------------------- }
                            Reserving to the executors of Catherine }
                            [Tichvorte?] their rights paying their  }
                            pte ----------------------------------- }

[A028  ref  Z060]
5 Feb 1644                  Thomas Corkan for 8d cottage for        } 3s 4d
Rec 3s 4d                   the lives of the said To: & of Bahue    }
                            his daughter & Jane his wife

[A029  ref  Z071]
17 Dec 1644                 Anne Creere & Jony her daughter for      } 3s 4d 
Rec paid 3s 4d              12d rente of qrtr land for the lives     }
                            of the said Anne & Jony & of John Quayle }
                            her grandchild ------------------------- }

[A030  ref  Z065]
[?] [May?] 1644             Mally Qualtroghie rente 6d cottage for         }
[?] s                       [? ?] & John h[e]r brother & of Gilbert sunne  }  2s
                            of Dollin Curleod                              }
*** Folio 79.0 ***

[A031  ref  Z054]
5 Feb 1644                  John Corkan for 9d rente for the       }
Rcd 2s 6d                   lives of the said John & Christan his  } 2s 6d
                            wife & Ann her s[i]ster -------------- }

[A032  ref  Z055]
12 Nv: 1644                 Bahue Kelly for 2s 1d cottage &        }
Rec paid 5s                 intack for the lives of the said Bahue } 5s
                            & of Robt & John Sitleton her sons --- }
                            reserving the right of Sr Hugh Cannell to
                            pte of the said rent for a mor[t]gage 

[A033  ref  Z072]
5 Feb 1644                  Bahie McBooy & Patrick her brother       }
Recd 18d                    for 5d rente for the lives of said Bahie } 18d
pai[?]                      & Patr and of Patricke Cayne             }
                            sune of Patr Cayne --------------------- }

[A034  ref  Z034]
25 [Junii?] 1645            Wm Cayne for 1/2 qrter rente 8s          } 26s 8d
Rc fine 20s                 for the lives of the said Wm & of John   }
13 Octbr 1645               & Katherin his children ---------------- }
6s 12d

[A035  ref  Z036]
22 Oct 1645                 Rch Cayne for the 4th pte of a qrter   }
pd by Jo: Quayle in         rente 4s for the lives of the said     } 7s 6d
Caynes behalfe 7s 6d        Rch & Patricke & John his suns ------- }

[A036  ref  Z057]
25 [Junii?] 1645            Tomas Mcylrea for 20d intacks          } 
Rec paid 4s                 for the lives of the said Tho: & Rcd   } 4s
                            Canell sone of John Canell & Ellin     }
                            daughter of ^the [like?]^ Tho Mcylrea  }

Margrett Quaile             Wm Calue for a qrter 11s 10d --------- }
entered for it              for the lives of the said Wm & John    } 15s
post                        McBooy sun of Tho: McBooy & Ja:        }
                            McBooy sun of the said Tho: in the said rente
                            reserving all rights
[The above entry is entirely crossed through - presumably due to the comment in the margin]

[A037 ref  Z030]
12 Octbr 1644               Donald Curlood for the 6[t]h pte of    }
Rec paid 2s 6d              a qrter rente 2s 6d for the lives of   } 5s
                            the said Donald and of Donald and John }
                            his sones ---------------------------- }

[A038 ref Z058]
25 [?] 1645                 John Cayne for 4 1/2 d intacke & 1 1/2 d  }
Rec 2s 6d                   qrter lande for the lives of the said     } 2s 6d
                            John & Wm & Patr his sones -------------- }

[AX02  ref  Z031]
Entr post                   John Cayne [Balagawn?] for 1 qrter rente 18s   }
                            1 mill of [shase?] rente 12d 1 intack 14s ---- } [obscured]
                            & one intack in Ballalaighe rente 8d --------- }
                            for the lives of the said Jo: Cayne & of Wm    }
                            & John his suns ------------------------------ }
[The above entry is entirely crossed through - presumably due to the comment in the margin]


*** Folio 79.5 ***

[A039  ref  Z045]
12 Nv: 1644                 Wm Stephan & Wm Mcylrea for 1/2 qtrer rente 7s 6d    } 15s
Rec paid 10s                and for 19d intacks -------------------------------- } 5s
Octbr 1645                  for the lives of the said Wm Stephan & of Mabell his }
6s                          wife & John his sunne [?] upon the                   }
October 1646                agreeing at his handfastinge bargaine w[it]h         }
Recd [?] of                 Wm Mcylrea his father in lawe his said father
Mcylrea [?]                 payinge his [?] a [ffitt?] pporcon agreable to [?]
                            [?] the whole tytle

[A040  ref  Z067]
Alice Kelly                 Sr Hughe Canell in behalfe of Alice                  }
                            Kelly late wife of [Ralf?] Kelly & of Alice          } 16s 8d
Recd this from              & Margrett her daughters for the third               } 
Sr Hu: Canell               pte of Bradale Milne rente 4s ---------------------- }
2 Feb 1643                  for the lives of the said Alice the mother 
                            Alice & Margrett her daughters   Sr Hughe
                            to pay the fine & to [?] his bargain
                            [therein?] wh her [self?] from Ralfe Kelly
                            and his [?] [and?] wch [?] [rent?] pays
                            before her or any of them enter

[A041  ref  Z051]
12 No: 1644                 John Croghen for 1/2 qtrer & 4th pte of                  }
Rec paid 34s                a qrter rente 9s 3d and for the halfe of the eighth      } 4l
17 Janry 1644               pte of another qrtr rente 12d & the halfe                }
Rec paid 16s?               of certaine intacks of rente 16d ----------------------- }
26 Julii 1644               Alsoe for the third part of Braddell Milin  } 16s 8d
Rec paid 30s                rente 4s ---------------------------------- }
Alow for 2 6oz [?]          for the lives of the said John & of Jo: his
[?] to Capt Woods           sone & for Jane his daughter 
16s & rec bye
[?] [?] 8d

[One entry crossed through relating to Phillip Cannell]
[The entry below may have replaced it ]
[The next entry is messy and faded]

[A042  ref  Z032]
[Part of this entry is faded and hard to read]
Phillip Cannell [?] for 1 qrter & 1/2 rente 26s [8d?] -------------------- }
                            and for a [Close?] in the miers rente 3s 6d    } 6l 13s 4d
29 Maii 1646 11s Rec        and one intacke in the fels rente [8d?]        }
from ? ? ?                  fine for these in [? ?] 12 [?]                 }
[? ?] 1646 Recd [?]         all for the lives of the said Phillip          }
his mother 40s              Cannell & of Jo: & Gilbt his sonnes -----------}
[?] Dec 1646 recd
[?] of [patrick?] Quayle    & of half qrter land 8s [6d?] ----------------- 15s
[? ?]                       [?] his [new?] lives reserved right to 9d of the said
30 July 1645 [recivd?] of   land [? ? ?] right to all ye reste [? ? ?]
patk Quayle [? ]            is the right of Phill is [?] to the said [?]
[? ? ?] 8d

[A043  ref  Z073]
                            Hughe Cayne for a cottage rente 3d        } 6d
                            for the lives of the said Hugh & of Gilbt }
                            Curleod son of Dollin Curleot in foure towns
                            & Jo: Corleott sune of Adam in the four towns


*** Folio 80.0 ***

[A044  ref  Z024]
                            Uxor Wm Quayle & John Quayle her              }
                            sune for 12d rente of Quarter land bought     } 2s
                            of Gilbt Quayle ----------------------------- }
3 Aug 1644                  Item for 3 pts of a qter rente 12s 6d ------- }
Rec paid 10s                [? ?] bought from [?] John Canel              }
18 March 1644               land in some theard & of the [?] only         }
Rec paid 14s 6d             the said John Canell sould same paid          } 22s 6d
of the said John Quayle     fine by order of Co[u]rt for their [?] eighth }
                            in Nerloghe the said reserving all their      }
                            rights & [? ?] it was to in the               }
                            parcel of Norloghe to the said John Canel     }
                            fine for this 12s 6d rente is --------------- }
                            for the lives of the said Jo Quayle           }
                            & of John Cayne sun of Jo: Cayne              }
                            Ballagawne & Rbt Quayle sun of Phill          }
                            Quayle of Barke ----------------------------- }
                                 note that the said John Quayle [?] [?] [?]
                                 right in [?] land by bargaine from his [motr?]
                                 & ? from the said John Canell 

[A045  ref  Z074]
                           Donald Cayne for a prell of farme              }
13 Octber pd 12d           land rente 12d. Fine ------------------------- } 12d
    1645                   for the lives of the said Donnold and          } 
                           John and John his sons ----------------------- }

[A046  ref  Z025]
                           Tomas Lewne & Wm Kerron for 3                  } 22s 6d
28 Aug 1644                pts of a qter rente 13s 6d ------------------- }
Recr paid 11s of Lewne     for the lyves of the said Wm Kerron & To:
5 Feb 1644                 Canell sun of John Canell Junior Balla
Recr of Wm Keron 5s        Carnane & Margrett Lewne daughter of
18 March 1644              the said To: Lewne ---------------------------
Recr paid 6s 6d

[A047  ref  Z008]             
                           John Canon & John Carrett for 2                } 20s
6 Aug 1644                 pts of a qter rente 10s ---------------------- }
Recr paid 10s              for the lyves of Wm Canon brother of the
12 Nv: 1644                said John Canon & of the said John Carett
Recd paid 5s               and of Jo: Canell sune of Phil Cannell
25 [Junii?] 1645           Largiebrook ----------------------------------
Recr 5s

[A048  ref  Z075]
25 Junii 1645              Robt Quayle for 3d rente fyne          } 2s 6d
Rec 15s 10d                Item for 4 1/2d rente in Ballaugh              }
                           pcell of the close of 2s 8d laste compounded   } 13s 4d
                           for by To: Quayle & John Cannell ------------- }
                           for the lives of the said Robt & of John 
                           his brother & Mally his sister
                           Reserving the right of John [? ? ?]
                           for the 3d rente in KK Mich


*** Folio 80.5 ***

[A049  ref  Z006]
[?] Feb 1643               Margrett Quayle for 3 pts of a qrtr              } 22s 6d
Rec pd whole               rente 12s 10d ---------------------------------- }           
fine 22s 6d                for the lives of the said Margrett & of Finlo }  Patrick Quayle
                           Quayle & John Quayle suns of                  }  to bee [reserved?] is
                           Patrick Quayle                                }  sun to his sister Margr
                           reserving the right of Wm Calr 
                           entered here having paid 2s as being his share of the
                           fine to the said Margrett

[A050  ref  Z031]
16 dec 1643                John Cayne Ballagowan for one qrter           }
[allowed?] his pmt in      rente 18s                                     } 4l
[?] for 8 [6oz?]           Item for 1 mill rente 12d                     }
fir of barly put ?         Item for 1 intack rente 14d ----------------- }
& peele at 9s [6oz?]       Item one other intack in Ballalaugh                   } 15s
3l 16s 6d                  rente 13d pcell of the 2s 8d [sayle?] by [?] Quaile - }
[4?] May 1645              & John Cannell                                        }
Rec paid 18s 6d            for the lives of the said John Cayne &
wch is the whole           of Wm Cayne & John Cayne his suns

[A051  ref  Z042]
                           John Cannell waterbaliffe for one mill                                }
Recieuied the said         [?] Nerlougher [?] one qrter & 1/2 rente 24s 8d                       }
13l 8s 4d                  one other qtr called [Cerrubruine ?] rente 17s 6d                     }
2 Feb: 1647                one pcell of intacks theard adjoininge rent 2s 2d                     }
                           one watercorne milne rent 4s wh the [sd?]                             }
                           [?] of the [?] [theards?] belonginge by [?]                           } 13l 8s
                           [?] his [?]                                                           } 4d
                           one other qrter & 1/2 rente 28s 4d caled                              }
                           Ballagennell                                                          }
                           Item two pts of a watercorne milne rente 8s                           }
                           Item one intack in [?] rent 18d                                       }
                           Item one pcell of intacks in Ballalay                                 }
                           rente 10 1/2d                                                         }
                           Item several other pcels of intacks in                                }
                           Ball rent 8s 5d ----------------------------------------------------- }
                           for the lives of Ann Canell wife of the said
                           John Canell & of Hugh Canell his son
                           & Phill Moore sun of Sr James Moore [Clerk?]

*** Folio 81.0 ***

[A052  ref  Z059]
John Canon               } for a pcell of cottage & intacke rente }
Rd 12d                     6d for the lives of the said John & of } 12d
                           Hughe Canell sun of Jo: Cannell & of   }
                           Jo: Cayne sun of Jo: Cayne Balagawn

[A053  ref  Z056]
Gilbt Croghan            } for a cottage & intack rente 5d for         }
18 March 1644              the lives of Ann his daughter & Robt Quayle } 12d
Re paid 12d                sun of Gilbt [barke?] & Jo Canell son of    }
                           Dollin barke ------------------------------ }

[A054  ref  Z044]
Paul Quayle              } for 1 Mess & tenemt wh [?] said in     }
9 Octbr 1644               exchange from Sr Hughe Canell rente    }
Resv paid 10s              14s 9d - And certaine intacks rente 2s } 3l
12 Nv: 1644                6d belonginge to the said mess: fine - }
Recd paid 10s              [lase?] 3l [u?necirlse] -------------- }
5 Feb: 1644                for the lives of the said Paul Quayle  }
Rec 5s 2d                  & of Gilbt Canell sun of Phill         }
14 May 1645                Canell & of Patr Cayne sun of John     }
Rec paid 12s               Cayne Ballagawen --------------------- }
29 July 1645
Rec paid 20s
22 July 1648
R 2s 10d
[In above lives the first life replaces "Charles Canell sun of Gilbt Canell" which is crossed out]

[A055  ref  Z076]
John Canell  }             for the [Recarid?] for [parsons?] thirds         }
Waterball    }             of KK Michell w[i]th the [?] [& therd?]          }
                           belonging for & under the rente of eight         } 30l
rec the said 30l           pounds paid in [time?] of all rents to the       }
2 Feb 1643                 [? ?] or his [?] the [?] of the [same?]          }
                           to hould to the said Jo: Canell & his assigns    }
                           for the [tenure?] of the naturall lives of       }
                           the said John Canell & of Gilbt Curlood          }
                           sun of Donald Curlood of fourtowns in            }
                           KK Mich & of John [Cronie?] sun of Edw [Cronie?] }
                           of [Ballahittier?] ----------------------------- }


*** Folio 81.5 ***

[A056  ref  Z005]
[Wm] Quayle              } for 1/2 qrter rente 8s for the lives of the said }
[? ?] 1643                 Wm & Gilbt Canell sun of Phillip Canell          } 15s
Recr paid 15s              & Wm Quayle sun of John his brother ------------ }

[A057  ref  Z014]
Finlo Cannell              for one qter rent 14s and 6d intacks           }
25 Jany 1645               in the fells --------------------------------- } 30s
Rec paid 28s               for the lives of the said Finlo and of         }
25 Janry 1646              Wm his son, and of Donnal Cannell his          }
Recr paid 2s               brother -------------------------------------- }


[A058  ref  Z018]
Wm Curleod               } for 2 pts of a qrter rente 11s 6d for          }
12 Nv: 1644                the lives of Wm & Donnold his sons             }   13s 4d
Rec 6s 6d                  and of [Merewie?] Kneale daughter              }
[?] July [1645?] 6s 10d    of Ewan Kneale of [glansredill?] in KK Oristal }

[A059  ref  Z052]
Wm Kelly                 } for the 4th pte of a qrter rente 2s 4d   }
[? ?] 1644                 [?] Donald his [grandfather?] [?] right  } 20s
Rec 10s                    [? ? ?] for the lives of the said Wm     }
25 July 1645               & of John & Mally his [children?] ------ }
Recd paid 10s              [further?] [intack?] in the fells [rent?] 20d and ye
                           ye same names

[A060  ref  Z019]
Tho: Corlett             } for 1/2 qter rent 8s 4d for the  }
10 Feb 1644                lyves of the said Tho: & Donnold } 10s
Rec 3s 6d                  his son & Gilbt Cannell son of   }
[?] Jany 1645              Phillip Cannell of largabrecke   }
Rec 6s 6d

[A061  ref  Z077]
Dollin Quayle            } for 2 ptes of a qter rent 10s 6d for   }
12 Nv: 1644                the lyves of the said Dollin & Wm his  } 12s
Rec paid 5s 6d             brother and of Wm Quayle son of        }
25 Julii 1645              John Quayle his brother -------------- }
[Rec?] 6s 6d        

[A062  ref  Z027]
Wm Cannell                 for 2 ptes of a qter rent 11s 6d for   }
[12?] [?] 1644             the lyves of the said Wm and James     } 13s 4d
paid 7s                    his brother and Gilbt Cannell son      }
[illegible]                of Phillip Cannell of largabrecke fyne }
                           [illegible] of another qrter ----------- 8d

[A063  ref  Z029]
[?] [Feb?] 1644            Alice ylrea for 3d rent of qter land for }
paid 6d                    the lives of the said Alice and of Wm    } 6d
                           Cayne & Patr Cayne sons of John          }
                           Cayne of ballagawn --------------------- }

[A064  ref  Z020]
Jo Cayne [?]               for 4s rent of qter land for the ------- }
[?] 1644                   lives of the said John and Wm his son    } 4s
                           and of Donnold Corlett son of Tho:       }
                           Corlett his neighbor ------------------- }


*** Folio 82.0 ***

[A065  ref  Z004]
John Quayle              } for 1 qrter & 4th pte of a qrter rente  }
5 Junii 1644               18s 9d & for 2s 8d by all               } 25s
Rec paid 5s                in the fells, for the lives of the said }
24 Juny 1645               John & of Wm his sun & Wm his brother   }
Rec 10s                    fine ---------------------------------- }
29 July Rec 5s
13 Octbr 1645 pd 5s

[A066  ref  Z007]
Donald Cordeige          } for 1 qrter rente 16s for the -------- }   
25 Juii 1645               lives of the said Donald, John his son } 20s
Rec 16s                    & of Wm Quayle sune of Jo: Quayle ---- }  
13 Octbr 1645 pd 4s

[A067  ref  Z078]
5 Feb 1644
Mally Booy               } for 2d of the 2s 8d in Ballalagh           }
due pd Rec 4s              laste by John Cannell & To: Quayle ------- } 4s
                           for the lives of John Corkill Hugh Corkill } 
                           & Wm Corkill her sons -------------------- }

[A068  ref  Z015]
Finlo Canell             } for 1/2 qrtr rent 7s 6d for the      }
paid 25 January 1645       lives of the said Finlo & of Wm his  } 15s
[?] [?] Recr paid          sun & Donald Canell his brother      }
15s                        Note that To: Canell his brother [oferred?]
                           the same but [now?] came in to compound
                           for it [? ? ?] [given?]

[A069  ref  Z016]
Jo: Teare                } for 1/2 qrter rente 8s for the lives }
18 Feb: 1645               of the said Jo: & Jony his Sister    } 12s
Rec 12s                    & Wm Canell sun of Finlo Canell      }

[A070  ref  Z013]
Jo: Canell               } for a 1/2 qrter rente 7s for the lives }
29 July 1645               of the said John & of Charles and      } 13s 4d
Rec 8s 4d                  Gilbt his brothers                     }

[A071  ref  Z011]
Donald Cayne             } for 1/2 qrter rent 8s                }
[Jo Quiggen crossed out]   for the lives  [? ? ?]               } 13s 4d
13 July 1645 Rec           [too faded to read reliably]         }
paid 13s 4d                Stephen Clarke sun of Sr John Clerke }

[A072  ref  Z012]
John Quigin              } for 1/2 qrter rente 8s for the lives   }
15 July 1645               of the said John & of Ann his daughter } 13s 4d
Rec paid 13s 4d            & xpian his wife --------------------- }


*** Folio 82.5 ***

[A073  ref  Z010]
[parts of the following entry are too faded to read]
[Jo Teare]               } for 1/2 of qrter rente [8s] 9d [for] [the] }
29 July 1645               lives of the said [Jo?] and [Joney?] his   } 15s
Rec paid 15s               [sister?] and [Wm] Canell [sone?]          }
                           of Finlo Canell -------------------------- }
                           reserving the right of Wm Crellin
                           to a [?] [?]

[A074  ref  Z028]
Patrick Kelly            } for the 6th pte of a qrter rente 2s 6d  }
Rec 3s                     for the lives of the said Patrick and   } 3s
29 July 1645               Isabell his mother and Margrett Mac     }
                           Booy his s[i]ster --------------------- }

[A075  ref  Z009]
Finlo McBooy             } for 1/2 qrter & 4th pte of a qrter     }
22 Octber                  rente 12s 11d for the lives            } 17s
1645 pd 17s                of the said Finlo & of Hughe his sune  }
                           & of Wm Booy sun of Wm Booy his        }
                           fathers brothers sun ----------------- }

[A076  ref  Z017]
                           John Crellin for 3 pts of a qter rent  }
13 Octber 1645             12s 4d for the lives of the said       } 17s
pd 17s                     John & Thomas & William his sons       }

[A077  ref  Z082]
13 October 1645            John Corbeige for 3 pts of a qter rent }
pd 11s                     12s 4d for the lives of the said       }  17s
[?] 17 [Dec?] 1646         John & John his son & Hugh Quayle      }
6s                         son of Gilbte Quayle fyne ------------ }

[A078  ref  Z079]
8 Octobr 1646              Sr Hugh Cannell Clarke for ------------ } 
Recd 4d                    2d cottages in Kk Michael late          }
                           by ye occupacon of Wm Kelly fyne        }
                           For ye lives of Wm Cayne sone of        } 4d
                           Jo Cayne Ballagawn & Charles            }
                           Cannell sone of Jo: Cannell of Balla    }
                           [?] & of Hugh Cannell sun               }
                           of [Wm?] Cannell of [Renelshell?] [?]   }
                           [? ?] Cottage [reserving?] right to [?] }
                           [?] Sr Hugh Cannell [?] by ye sd Wm Kelly if
                           [several more faded lines]


                           [Sum?] of the } 124-07-03
                           whole pishe   }
                           this [fine?]  }

*** Folio 83.0 ***

[A079  ref  Z080]
Patrick Cayne           } for 2s 2d rente Intack in the fels ---- }
                          fine for the lives of John and Patricke } 6s
                          his suns & Margrett his daughter ------ }

[A080  ref  Z081]
Wm Kneene               } for 1/2 a qrter rente 10s fine for the  }
                          lives of the said Wm and of Wm his sune } [no fine given]
                          and Jony his daughter ----------------- }

[A081  ref  Z061]
28 July 1648
Wm Canon                } for 4d Intacks belonging to his late        }
Rc paid 17d               brother John Canons farme fine for          }
                          the lives of the said Wm Canon & of John    } 18d
Noat yat John             Carrett his neghbor & of John Canell sune   }
Carrett his pter in       of Mr Pillip Canell Largebrerke             }
the rest of the
farme is halfe in
[?] wh [?]

                         7s 6d

                         Suv tot 124-15-02